Thursday, May 7, 2015

Brynlee Elizabeth

I am so behind on this thing. I don't really feel like getting caught up cause I am kinda lazy but I did want to write about the new addition to our not-seeming-so-little-anymore family.

We (and by 'we' I really mean 'I') decided in July of last year that it was time for another baby. Then we found out at the end of August that we were pregnant!

The pregnancy was much easier than my other two. I was almost 30 pounds smaller than when I got pregnant with Owen, it made a huge difference! I was able to keep running until I was about 25 weeks, after that it was just too much for my bladder. The gym membership was a huge help (and a nice break from the kids.) I would do about 30 minutes of cardio -either walking on the treadmill on an incline or the elliptical- and then I would do a modified version of my normal weight routine. I gained about 30 pounds with this pregnancy, which was about 20 pounds less than my other two. And I just felt so much better! The "completely ready to be done, I feel like a beached whale" phase didn't kick in tell about week 37.

The labor this time around was a bit different. My mom planned to come out on April 27th- my due date was May 5th- but I started having contractions on Sunday April 19th, so she flew in the next day. Of course, nothing happened for a few days. But on Thursday April 23rd they started again and didn't stop. We left for the hospital, after scrambling around a bit to find someone to come stay with the boys, around 9:30 that night. I was admitted and got the epidural a few minutes later. It didn't stick as good this time around though, left leg was completely numb and I could still feel the right and some of the contractions, but it still took the edge off.

Things didn't really progress very fast, at about noon the next day I was still only at a 5, so my doctor said he'd come in a few hours to break my water, but about 15 minutes before he got there my water broke. That was about at 1:45 and Brynlee was born at 2:24! She weighed 9 lbs 4 oz  -my smallest baby! I was really surprised at how fast she came. She was having some issues breathing so I was only able to hold her for a few minutes and then they had to take her to the nursery to try to clear out her lungs. 

She is such an easy baby! She totally just goes with the flow and her brothers love her!

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