Sunday, February 20, 2011

Owen loves making presents in new diapers. No matter how long I wait to change him, right when he gets a new one on he makes another present. We've been going through diapers like nobody's business. It's been great fun. Especially when I get him a fresh one and get him all cute for church and right when I'm about to buckle him in his car seat...yeah. Great fun.

He started wearing size 2 diapers this week. And most of his 0-3 month clothes don't fit him anymore. I can't believe how big he's getting!

Tome was playing some video games after church today and Owen was sitting in his lap and he was very intrigued with the tv.

I think he wanted to play too. He kept moving Tome's thumb.

He is definitely his father's son.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


A couple weeks ago I started doing this thing with Owen where I would hold his arms up by his head and say "Yaayyy" all happy like, and he would smile like none other and try to laugh, which sounds more like him not being able to breath. It's super cute. But now he holds his arms like that all the time. I love it.

He has a playtime mat with toys hanging down from it and he loves to lay under it. I don't think he hits the toys on purpose but it seems like he has fun.

He still loves baths and getting his diaper changed and that's usually when I can get him to smile the most. We're working on tummy time and now he can go almost a minute before he starts to scream. I sit him on my knee and hold him around his belly so he still gets some practice holding his head up, but it's pretty hard for him. I don't blame him...he's got a whole lot of head. He's also developed this wonderful habit of SCREAMING for at least 5 minutes before he falls asleep. It's been great fun.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2 onesie...13 wipes...1 VERY full diaper... what we had to throw away this morning.

We finally experienced Owen's first blow out.

When Owen woke up this morning I had Tome get him. I continued to sleep. A couple of minutes later I woke up to Tome walking through the door with a naked baby saying "I think he needs a bath."

I got up and followed Tome into the bathroom. Then I saw the damage. There was brown smears all, and I mean ALL, over the baby. And all over Tome.

The onesie he was wearing was one of my favorites but I didn't even want to try to save it.

I'm pretty sure Owen laughed at us. I still think he is the cutest thing ever though. I know I'm biased but just look at that cute little face...

I just wish I could have witnessed Tome attempting to change that diaper.

Monday, February 7, 2011

2 months!

I can't believe how fast the past two months have gone by. Owen has changed so much!

He went to his 2 month check-up today and weighed in at 13 lbs 5 oz and 24 inches long.

He is starting to smile a lot, especially when he gets his diaper changed. He loves taking baths and he's perfectly content just chillin on the floor as long as he can wiggle around.

Last week he started sleeping in his crib in his room and he usually does about a 5-6 hour stretch at night which has been really nice.

He LOVES to eat and absolutely HATES laying on his tummy.

He is definitely the cutest thing ever! I love being his mommy!