Thursday, August 4, 2011

8 months!

I cannot believe that my baby is 8 months old. He finally started sitting up the last week in July. I was surprised at quickly he bacame a pro at it. Especially with how large his noggin is. Tome calls him an orange on a toothpick.

And just a few days after he started sitting up he started pulling himself up on anything and everything. Wasn't quite ready for that one, but it's alot of fun to watch him. He hasn't quite figured out how to get out of a standing position so he just cries until he falls down.

My parents were planning on coming down the first week in August but on the 23rd of July my mom called and told me to look out the front door and they were there. My Mom's birthday is on the 26th and I was having an ultrasound on the 28th, so they decided to surprise us and come down sooner. It was so much fun to have them here! We went out to dinner for my Mom's birthday and she was able to come with Tome and I to the ultrasound.

The ultrasound tech said that so far everything looks good. I was only 15 weeks so it was a little early to see all of the body parts so I get to have another one in a couple of weeks. But she is about 95% sure that we're having another boy!

I was really hoping that this one would be a boy too, especially since they're going to be so close in age. This pregnancy has already been so different from my first pregnancy I was convinced it was a girl, but I was sure Owen was going to be a girl too.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This was written the first week in June but I wanted to wait to publish it...

I never thought that I would have to take my 6 month old with me to OB appointments....a 2 or 3 year old sure...but a 6 month old??? Definitely not what we had planned. We wanted to wait at least a year before even thinking about when to get pregnant again...but I guess that wasn't what was supposed to happen. We we're shocked but super excited!

On Friday May 13th I decided to take what Tome and I refer to as "a stick". It was just a cheap store brand one and there was just barely a faint line to make it positive. I was sure it would be negative so I thought I was just seeing things. I woke Tome up and had him look at it but he wasn't quite sure either. I went to the store and got one of those fancy digital sticks....and it was positive. I called my mom. She laughed. I cried. Once the initial shock was over I was pretty excited...more than a little scared, nervous, freaking out...but there was some excitement in there.

When I told my dad I was pregnant with Owen I said "Guess what you're getting for Christmas..." So when I told him I was pregnant again it made it a little more fun to say the same thing.

I really wanted to go to the same doctor who delivered Owen but they don't take my insurance anymore. Total bummer.