Over the course of about 3 or 4 days Owen grew up way more than I wanted him to.
He is completely on formula. And he had no problems with it at all. I thought maybe he might miss me holding him while he ate, but he really doesn't care who or where the food is coming from as long as he gets some.
He had his first tooth poke through.
He will hold his bottle by himself. Right after we noticed that his tooth poked through I was about to give him a bottle but he grabbed it from me and fed himself. I cried.
He is finally taking naps in his crib. He would always sleep in there at night but for some reason he wouldn't take naps in it. He would usually just nap in his swing. I never really forced him to nap in his crib but one day he decided that he likes sleeping there even when the sun is out.
He won't let me rock him to sleep anymore. This was the hardest one for me. I loved holding him till he fell sleep. I know it's not what the "experts" recommened but he's my first and I want to. But now he doesn't like it. He will squirm and get all fussy and then I lay him in his crib and he will fall right to sleep.
He loves to play on the floor and he will try to see how far he can roll before I pick him up and put him back on the blanket. He can get up on his hands and knees and he kind of rocks back and forth for a few seconds and then he flops over. If there is a toy he wants that he can't reach he will usually just roll till he eventually gets to it. But he is starting to kind of almost scoot. He won't use his arms though, he will just use his head and his legs and inch forward or backward. It's so much fun watching him try to figure it out.
I knew all of these things would happen soon anyway but I wasn't prepared for them to happen in the same week!
Aww I miss that little guy so so much!!!