Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I've mentioned before that Owen has his own language. I think it's the funniest thing ever. He will just look at me and babble. I'm sure he thinks he saying something I am supposed to understand, but I'm completely clueless. He is starting to say a few more words in English though....
car (aar)
truck (truhh)
Super Why (poopoo eye)
tickle (tittle)
 eeesh -- which is juice, cheese, shoes, and -for some really weird reason- diaper
boosh - - which is flower, or anything that looks like a flower
no (he always says it 3 times while pointing his finger at you) 

{quick side church on Sunday our Bishop tried to give him a high five and Owen looked up at him, said 4 or 5 sentences in his language, and then yelled "NO, NO, NO!" while shaking his finger at him, and then walked away...if he wasn't so cute it probably would have been a wee bit awkward}

trash (which is one of his favorite words and he can say it perfectly)
and his new favorite word that he learned after he went to the beach for the first time... dirty.
And if something is dirty, he lets you know. And you have to acknowledge that yes, it is dirty or he'll keep saying it and eventually start screaming it at you till you agree. It's super cute. And if he gets something on his chair while he's eating, even if I wipe it off, he has to move to another spot. 

He is still in love with trucks, especially trash trucks or dump trucks. 
He can count to two. And there's always 2 of everything. Always. (He can say 3, but I don't think he knows what it means.)

He can recognize and say quite a few letters..B, D, E, I, M, O, P, T and Y are the only ones I can understand.  

He gets "bo bos" a lot. Usually "two bo bos". And I have to kiss it twice. 

If he sees any dinosaurs, lizards, dragons, elephants, hippos, snakes, turtles, or anything that looks like it maybe might be some sort of reptile looking thing....he growls. He also does that for dog, not sure why. And he yells "mooooooo" whenever he sees a cow.

He spends most of his day lining things up, usually his cars and trucks. And he gets very frustrated if they don't stay in line or if Conner touches one, which happens a lot.

He is such a sweet little boy, and he is such a good big brother. He is growing up way too fast though. So grateful to be his mommy!