Thursday, July 12, 2012

My grandma passed away last week. It's definitely bittersweet. She and my grandpa had been married for over 60 years and they've been apart for over 7. I couldn't imagine being away from Tome that long. I can only imagine how sweet that reunion was.

My grandma was an amazing woman. I was fortunate enough to live only about 20 minutes away from her while I was growing up so I got to spend a lot of time with her. And I definitely have a lot of fun memories with her.



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Conner's 6 month check up

I feel like it must have been our 100th time taking Conner to the doctor, but it was nice that it was just a regular check up.
He weighed in at almost 16 pounds and he is about 27 inches tall. Luckily he needs to wait a few weeks before getting any vaccines so he can get a little bit of a break from needles.
He is doing so much better! He's eating a lot better and sleeping for longer periods. He is such a happy baby and smiles all the time! He's finally starting to lay on his belly more and he's getting pretty good at rolling over.
Owen is loving that he is more interactive and Conner loves to watch Owen play!

They've been drawing his blood once a week through his picc line and I guess he was coming up anemic, so we had to take him to a hematologist just to make sure everything was okay. The doctor said it's not anything to be too worried about, they just want to keep an eye on it, so we get to back in a few weeks to get it checked again.