Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I haven't really gotten into this whole blogging thing...but now that Owen is here I thought it would be fun to share some of the cute things he does, especially for his grandmas. So whenever he does something really cute or if I get a cute picture of him, which happens on a daily basis, I'll try to share.

I love reading birth stories from other moms so I thought I would share a little bit of what I went through bringing Owen into this world...

not that great of a picture but its a good shot of my 37 week belly and my hot husband

Nov 22nd: got ultrasound. baby is measuring 8 lbs. still have 3 weeks to go. i freak out a bit. holy big baby. already 2.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced.

Nov 25th: thanksgiving. thought i was in labor. went to the hospital. 3 cm dilated. 80% effaced. contractions arent strong enough. they send me home.

Nov 26th-Dec 3rd: still having contractions. it was great fun. went to the dr 3 times for her to try to get things going. get ultrasound, baby measuring at 9 lbs. lovely.

Dec 3rd about 3 pm to 10 pm: start having really REALLY bad contractions. freak out. go to hospital. get sent home again. not strong enough yet? seriously?

Dec 3rd about 10 pm to 5 am: get home from hospital. crying. pain. not fun. take the sleeping pill they gave me. it does nothing. tome gets home from work and sleeps peacefully for about 2 hours while i'm writhing in pain. after not being able to take it any more we got to the hospital again. i was convinced they were going to send me home again, but I was 5 cm dilated and all the way thinned out. yay.

Dec 4th: get epidural at 7 am. best thing ever. sleep and watch tv. start pushing at 4:30 and Owen William arrived at 5:09 weighing in at 9 lbs 7 oz 22 inches long.

The whole labor and delivery thing was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be...thanks to the epidural.

Being a mom is the best thing ever and I can't believe how much he has already changed!